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Friday, December 9, 2011

Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis can range in color, usually looking pea green or brown, but there are also some in various shades of green and even pink. They are named praying mantis because of the folding of their front legs, which looks like the posture of prayer. Praying mantises have triangular-shaped heads and a compound eye on each side of their heads. They are the only insects that can turn their heads a full 180 degrees. They're also very sensitive to movement and can see something move up to 60 feet away. They tend to ambush their prey and are very fast when they attack. The forelegs are spiked, which helps the mantis hold on to its victims. 


  1. Wow! Great shot! I love the colors in this photograph.

  2. Love the colors in this shot! Fabulous!

  3. Awesome picture Kelly
